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Baby steps towards the big picture

Star Sports 4K was the only UHD channel on offer at the time.

Brands to crowd for Cup spots despite rate hike

An official Star spokesperson says, "The advertiser count has already exceeded the count for the 2011 edition as well as IPL 2014 by over 50 per cent. The HD feed is completely sold out. However, some inventory in some feeds for some matches is available and the pricing is likely to increase as the tournament progresses and more spots get sold." He adds that the queries from advertisers across categories have increased.

Star’s 'Mauka' becomes victory anthem for Indian cricket fans

Star India spokesperson said, “The India Pakistan match is the biggest unifying factor in the country regardless of age, gender or whether you're a sports fan or not. We wanted a campaign, which will get the attention of the nation and would have a life of its own, but still be a part of the larger umbrella campaign #wontgiveitback.”

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