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Star India and brands gear up for the launch of Hero ISL

Star India COO Sanjay Gupta had earlier said, “We believe in the potential of football as a sport that cuts across culture, race, religion and economic might. As the leading sports broadcasting network in India, we plan to take the viewer experience to the next level. The magnitude of what we are setting out to do has never been attempted.”

ISL: Indian football makes giant strides with baby steps

The ISL, borrowed heavily from the successful Indian Premier League (IPL) T20 cricket, has been three years in the making, and finally, after two postponements, it's finally happening.

Success of ISL important for Indian football: John Abraham

"If I talk about ISL, I can guarantee that within three years you will get the news that one of the players from Northeast united is playing for an international club and that will be the biggest win for us."

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