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We should not be cynical about the media: Uday Shankar

During the discussion, Uday Shankar, CEO STAR India, said: “The future of journalism is bright because we do something that is essential to the society. We should not be cynical about the media, without them the country would not have been what it is.”

Rajdeep Sardesai and Arnab Goswami poles apart on future of journalism

Speaking at the Red Ink Awards 2014, Star India CEO Uday Shankar said, “I think there is too much reverence even now in Indian media and on the other hand, there is too much emotional attachment. Either we are just cynical or when we go there we get sucked in. There has to be a balance in between. Overall, I think we shouldn’t be cynical about media. We have lots to capture and improve but without the media, this place, this country would be much worse.”

Panel Discussion on Elections 2014

Watch Uday Shankar, Rajdeep Sardesai, Arnab Goswami, Kumar Ketkar & Piyush Pandey discuss 'Elections 2014: Were we fair, or did we stoke the NaMo wave?'

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