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Media Statement

Media statement from Star India Private Limited and Novi Digital Entertainment Pvt Ltd

Media Statement

Star India Private Limited and Novi Digital Private Limited gave a complaint to the office of Special IGP (Cyber & PAW), Government of Maharashtra, informing that an episode (season 7, episode 4) of Game of Thrones, which was scheduled to be aired for viewing in USA and India on August 7, 2017 at 0730 hours (local time) was leaked and made available for viewing on the internet.



Media Statement

“This confirms the compromise of episode 4 of Game of Thrones Season 7, earlier this afternoon. We take this breach very seriously and have immediately initiated forensic investigations at our and the technology partner’s end to swiftly determine the cause. This is a grave issue and we are taking appropriate legal remedial action.” said a Star India spokesperson.

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Id: 1141