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Gurjeev Singh to head Star India’s international business

Sanjay Gupta, COO, Star India, said, “The International Business has huge growth potential which has not yet been fully tapped and we believe Gurjeev will add tremendous value to the organization and will build on the foundations that have been put in place and take the International business to new heights. Gurjeev shares our values and our focus on the business and he has proved to be an extraordinary leader throughout his stint with Star and its ventures.”

Dhabal - Ek Taas Time pass

या प्रसंगी बोलताना सटार प्रवाहचे प्रोग्राधमग हेड जयेश पाटील म्हणाले की, " टेलीजवजनवरील रटाळ जवनोदी काययक्रम, फक्रकेटचे सामने, जनरस बातम्या बघुन तुम्हाला कंटाळा आला असेल तर हा काययक्रम तुमच्यासाठी आहे . आजच्या धकाधकीच्या जीवनात फदवसातील २४ तास दगदग ,टेन्शन, आजण त्रासाचे असतात. अशावेळी ढाबळ :एक तास टाईमपास नक्कीच तुम्हाला जनखळ मनोरंजन देईल. "

Life OK to launch ‘Bhatak Lena Baware’

Life OK content head Aniruddh Pathak believes that it is a very GEC friendly concept. “Keeping in mind the channel’s agenda of showcasing differentiated content to audiences, we are back with a simple love story but in a different manner.”

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