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GEC Watch: Colors back at No. 2; Star Plus stays over 700-mn mark

Star Plus stayed far ahead of its competition by maintaining its GTVM above the 700-million mark for the second consecutive week

Broadband not at loggerheads with broadcasting

Star India CEO Uday Shankar spoke on the rise of the digital media and the role of advertising in the business of content at the Pitch Madison Media Advertising Outlook 2014.

starsports.Com gets 6.8 lakh hits for IPL 7 auction

Ajit Mohan, Head, New Media, Star India, said, "We had decided to produce a high quality show around the auctions, with commentary and analysis from Harsha Bhogle and Sourav Ganguly. This is a vindication of our approach. The Indian consumer is evolving fast and more and more consumers want to catch the action while on the move. We are convinced that this year, the mobile screen will be where the action will be for IPL."

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