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Show me press release from 2015

Star India acquires Asia Cup global media rights till 2023

Strengthening its cricket portfolio, Star India has acquired the global media rights of Asia Cup for a period of eight years, running from 2016 to 2023.

ICC partners hotstar for exclusive digital clips in India till 2019

The International Cricket Council (ICC) has appointed Star India’s Novi Digital Entertainment as the exclusive digital clips licensee in India for all ICC events from 2016-2019.

James Murdoch on Media in 2016

"The TV news series Satyamev Jayate (Truth Alone Prevails), hosted by the Bollywood star Aamir Khan, has proved to be a phenomenon in India. It has moved a nation and is credited with changing laws through its sensitive yet unflinching treatment of some of that country’s most entrenched taboos, from female infanticide to official corruption."

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