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FICCI Frames: The roadmap for success in broadcasting

Sharing his views on the media and entertainment sector, Star's Sanjay Gupta said that today the industry size is close to Rs 30,000 crore and the big challenge going forward will be on how to make it a Rs 300,000 crore industry. Gupta opined that the one fundamental issue that plagues the industry is that they have regulated the industry from a wrong perspective. “You need to get the capital to invest high, while creating innovation for consumers. That’s how industries have grown. However, that

Intricate ad rates

For this World Cup, Star India has offered multiple formats (including high-definition TV) and even local-language feeds. The structure of ad rates is, therefore, quite intricate.

'Mauka Mauka': How some of ICC World Cup 2015's most-liked ads were created

Gayatri Yadav, EVP - marketing and communication, Star India says, "We were creating a narrative about India being a defending champion. While it was quite polarising, it built momentum and interest. Within that overall thought, we wanted a specific story for India versus Pakistan."

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